Royal National Mòd News

Own Choice Deadline

Published: 28 Jun 2011

Remember all own choice pieces must be submitted by 30th June (this Thursday!)

Receipt of Own Choice music will be acknowledged by e-mail or post; you should contact the Inverness Office if you do not receive an acknowledgement.

Please note it may take some time to issue all receipts due to the volume of pieces submitted at the one time.

Should you have any queries about your own choice submissions please don’t hesitate to get in touch!

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Gaelic Assessment

Published: 15 Jun 2011

Any competitors wishing to have a Gaelic Assessment before the Mod should contact us on 01463 709 705. If there is sufficient demand we will arrange a suitable date / location for assessments to be held.

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Piping Compeitions

Published: 15 Jun 2011

Mòd nan Eilean Siar 14th–22nd October 2011

The piping competitions will take place in Sgoil Lionacleit, Benbecula on Saturday 15th October 2011.

The entry deadline for Mod 2011 Senior piping competitions is 26th August. Entry to all other competitions is now closed.

You can download an entry form below, alternatively you can contact the Mod office.

Senior Piping Entry Form 2011.doc

For further information please contact Rena Macaskill, Mod Administrator, An Comunn Gàidhealach, 109 Church Street, Inverness, IV1 1EY or call 01463 231 226.

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Inverness Ceilidh Dance!

Published: 14 Jun 2011

An Comunn Gàidhealach

Meur Inbhir Nis

MOD Ceilidh/Dance

With The Monach Isle Dance Band

and Inverness Provincial 2011 MOD Winners

In the Waterside Hotel


Saturday 18th June 2011

7.30pm – 12pm

Admission: £8

All proceeds go towards the running of the Inverness Local Mod in June 2011

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Aberfeldy Mod Results / Photos

Published: 13 Jun 2011

The Aberfeldy Provincial Mod took place on the 10th and 11th June and was a great success. Entry numbers were impressive and the event was thoroughly enjoyed by all.

Results and photos can be viewed on the Aberfeldy Mod section of this website by clicking here.

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Mod Entries Closed

Published: 10 Jun 2011

Please note that entry to this year’s Royal National Mod is now closed. Should you have any queries regarding the entry deadline please contact us on 01463 709 705.

Mòran taing

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