
Atharrachaidhean air A220 & GSL224

Published: 24 Jan 2012

Bu choir dhuibh a bhi mothachail de na h-atharrachaidhean airson farpaisean A220 agus GSL224:

Farpais A220 - Bha mi’ n raoir san taigh-òsta: RANN 2:- Bu chorr loidhne 6 a radha: “Deud mar chailc gheal gun stòr.”

Farpais A220 - Bha mi’n raoir san taigh-osta: RANN 2:- Ann an loidhne 8: se ‘sgàthan’ a th’ ann - CHAN E ‘sgothan’.

Farpais GSL224 - Mas ann gam mhealladh: RANN 2:- Bu chorr loidhne 2 a radha: “…an dèidh mar mheall thu mi leis na breugan.”


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Inverness Jumble Sale!

Published: 24 Jan 2012

An Comunn Gaidhealach

- Meur Inbhirnis (Inverness Branch)

Indoor Jumble Sale

—With Bric-a-brac Stalls, Baking, etc—

Saturday 28th January 2012

11am - 2pm

Raigmore Recreation Hall

Raigmore Hospital


You can book a table for £5 to sell for yourself or “come and buy” or “donate your jumble” to the Meur Inbhir Nis table


To book a table or for any further advice please contact:

Contact Katy at 01463 231 254 or 07526518961 or email

All Welcome!

All proceeds go towards the running of the Inverness Local Mod in June 2012 and the Royal National Mod in 2014.

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Amended Syllabus / Prescribed Pieces List

Published: 16 Jan 2012

Gheibhear gu h-iosal an liosta as uire de piosan ainmichte agus claraichean-eagair airson Mod na bliadhna seo.

Ma tha fiosrachadh sam bith eile a dhith oirbh no ma tha sibh airson piosan-ainmichte a cheannachd, nach cuiribh fios thugainn agus cuiridh sinn thugaibh iad.

Clar-eagair na h-Oigridh (Faoilleach 2012).doc

Clar-eagar nan Inbheach (Faoilleach 2012).doc

MOD 2012 Clarsach Syllabus.doc

Prescribed Pieces List 2012.pdf

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Compose a tune for Paisley

Published: 11 Jan 2012

Mod Phaislig & Voices in Paisley are offering an exciting opportunity to compose the tune ‘Paisley welcomes the Royal National Mod 2013’ which will celebrate the historic visit of the renowned Gaelic festival to the town in 2013. As their contribution to Wevint Musical Threads, the arts extravaganza which takes place across Renfrewshire on 3 & 4 March, the Mod Phaislig 2013 team have combined with Voices in Paisley to host this competition, with the winner being unveiled on Saturday 3 March when a number of Gaelic choirs will perform in the town as part of the celebrations.

In order to enter the competition, email or post a manuscript of your composition to the Mod Phaislig team. Do not put your name on the manuscript as the judging will be anonymous. It would be useful if entrants could also submit some audio of the tune being played, although this is not essential. In addition to the manuscript, a covering letter is required with full contact details, as well as any information you feel is necessary. E-mail entries to or post to Mod Phaislig 2013, 12 Ben Nevis Road, Paisley, PA2 7LA by 8 February. If you have any queries contact Ealasaid MacDonald on 07535514385.

In addition to having the honour of their tune being the soundtrack to the Mod Phaislig celebrations, the winner will receive a cheque for £150. Judging the competition to the final two are three stalwards of traditional music, Duncan Nicholson, Pipe Major of Strathclyde Police Pipe Band, Brian Laurie of the Brian Laurie Accordion Music School and Andrew Gifford of the renowned band Fiddler’s Bid. It will be the audience at the Gaelic Choirs event on 3 March that will make the final decision.

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Fios mu Comunn na Clarsaich

Published: 09 Jan 2012

Please see below for updated contact details for Comunn na Clarsaich and details for Clarsach Competitions for Mod 2012.

Michelle Kelly, Administrator

The Clarsach Society - Comunn na Clàrsaich

Out of the Blue Drill Hall

36 Dalmeny Street



Tel - 0131 554 0212

The Mod 2012 Folio is now available and is priced at £7. Please click on the link below to view the Clarsach syllabus for Mod 2012:

MOD 2012 Clarsach Syllabus.doc

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