Published: 30 May 2014
Cuimhnichibh gur e A-MÀIREACH an ceann latha airson cuir a-staigh airson farpaisean Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail na bliadhna seo.
Gheibhear cuir a-staigh airson farpaisean air-loidhne aig:
« Back to Mòd News ListPublished: 22 May 2014
Seo an fheadhainn a fhuair duaisean Club 400 na mìos seo:
£250 Morven NicLeòid, Inbhir Nis
£100 Jane Riddick, a’ Mhanachainn
£50 Floranne Reid, Ros Mhaircnidh
Mealaibh ur naidheachd!
Published: 21 May 2014
Please note that the rule for Junior choral and senior choral competitions stating, “Prescribed pieces may be sung, if necessary, a semi-tone higher or lower than the set key” is no longer applicable and all choirs may sing prescribed pieces in their own chosen key.
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