Published: 04 Apr 2013
Tha Comataidh a’ Mhòid air atharrachaidhean a dhèanamh anns na h-Òrain Ainmichte a leanas. Feumar cumail ris na h-atharrachaidhean seo. Ma tha ceist sam bith agaibh cuiribh fios gu Seumas Greumach: no 01463 709 705.
A300-An Dubh-Ghleannach
Bar 45-Words in bass part should be as tenor part.
A302-Eilean mo chrìdh’
Bar 36, word should be ‘thall’ and not ‘ann’
A303-Och nan och ’s mi fo lèireadh
First note in the soprano’s part should be an E flat, not an F.
Bar 39: Sop and Alto parts should sing ‘laill o ho’ and not ‘faill o ho’.
Bar 50: ‘Hù o ro ho io’, not ‘…a o ro ho io
Bar 52: Word on first note is ‘ho’, not ‘o’
Bar 54: Word on first note is ‘ho’, not ‘hi’
Bar 78- should be ‘mhuir na mìll’ rather than ‘muir na mhìll’.
Bar 104: ‘laill o ho’, not ‘faill
Bar 106-the word in bass part should be, lèireadh’ and not ‘leiridh’
306-Haoidealan dubh
Bar 44-The word ‘Tha’ is missing in alto part (on
the last quaver).
Tha bean agam-bar 124 (bar 20 in booklet), tenor and bass should read; ‘thug’ instead of ‘thig’.
Tha bean agam-bar 112 & 148 (8 & 44 in booklet), the crotchet and quaver on the word ‘salach’ should be the other way around, in all parts.
Tha bean agam-bar 148-error in Soprano: should be C sharp (t) not C natural (ta)
Tha bean agam- bar 161 (bar 57 in booklet), the soprano part should read; ‘lèine gheal’ instead of ‘Dè nì mi’.
C78 Ruidhlidh na coilich dhubha
Verse 2 should read:
Ma phòsas Annag an-diugh
Pòsaidh gach uile tè
Ma phòsas Annag an-diugh
Sgaradh air an t-seana bhean
A306, Och nan och ’s mi fo lèireadh
In bar 31, Alto line, the the vocable ‘Hur-a’ should be ‘Hiu-ra’.
C78 Gille-Calum (Danns’ a’ chlaidheimh)
The solfa in the first two bars of line two (bar 5 & 6) should read: r, ta, s, f, r, ta
A308 Tha bean agam (Puirt)
Please click on the following amended musical insert for A308 noting additional changes. The insert refers to the port ‘Tha bean agam’, bars 43, 44 & 45 (page 26 of the booklet version). For choirs who are working from the electronic version, these are bars 147, 148 & 149.
Cumaibh sùil air an làrach-lìn againn gun fhios nach bidh fiosrachadh sam bith againn mu na farpaisean.