Royal National Mod News

Changes to A307

Published: 27 Mar 2012

The Music Committee have issued changes to the Mòd 2012 choral competition piece, A307-Tuireadh nan Treun.

The changes are explained below and should be adhered to for this piece. If you have any queries regarding these changes, please don’t hesitate to contact James Graham on 01463 709 705 or email

A307-Tuireadh nan Treun.

Verse 1:

Bar 9: spelling-feasta x 2

Bar 10: spelling-m’ iargain x 2

Bar 11: accent missing-lìonadh x 2

Bar 19: shìnear instead of shineadh x 3

Bar 22: accent missing-sìorraidh x 3

Verse 2:

Bar 31: spelling-chaonnag

Bar 32: sgàth instead of stàth

Bar 33: accent missing-strìochdadh x 3

Bar 33: spelling-strìochdadh ann am B.2

Bar 36/37: luchd-breacan x 3

Bar 40: accent missing-‘N àm x 3

Bar 41: spelling-tarraing x 3

Bar 44: accent wrong-dàil in B.2

Verse 3:

Bar 50/51: seòl-mara x 3

Bar 55: nan craobh instead of an craobh x 3

Bar 63: spelling-fearann x 3

Verse 4:

Bar 65: Thì x 3

Bar 67: thus-a instead of thu-sa

Bar 70: càird-ean x 3

Bar 73: furt-achd

Bar75: mùirn-each x 3

Bar 77: spelling-dhriùchda x 3

Bar 78: aig instead of air

Bar 79: Sùirn-eig x 3

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