
Atharrachaidhean air Farpaisean

Published: 04 Apr 2013

Tha An Comunn air sùil a thoirt air Clàr-Farpaisean a’ Mhòid Nàiseanta Rìoghail agus air na leasachaidhean a leanas a dhèanamh airson Mòd na bliadhna-sa:

Thèid na farpaisean a leanas a thoirt a-mach:

• C47 (Conversation Learners 9-10 years)

• C47A (Conversation Learners 11-12 years)

• C48 (Storytelling Learners 9-10 years)

• C48A (Storytelling Learners 11-12 years)

• C50 (Bible Reading Learners 9-10 years)

• C50A (Bible Reading Learners 11-12 years)

• C82 (Keyboard Open Under 13 years)

• C117 (Keyboard Open 13-18 years)

• C154 (Art Poster Open 16-18 years)

• C170B (Action Song Open Under 19 Years)

• A201 (Recitation, Competitor’s Choice, Senior Learners)

• A202 (Reading Senior Learners)

• A203 (Speech Senior Learners)

• A207 (Recitation, Poetry Composed by Competitor, Senior Fluent)

• A208 (Ancient Folk Tale Senior Fluent)

• A209 (Speech Senior Fluent)

Thèid na farpaisean seo a chur còmhla:

• C24 (Conversation Learners 5-6 years) & C24A (Conversation Learners 7-8 years) will become: C24 (Conversation Learners 5-8 years)

• C25 (Storytelling Learners 5-6 years) & C25A (Storytelling Learners 7-8 years) will become: C25 (Storytelling Learners 5-8 years)

• C39 (Ancient Folk Tale Fluent 9-10 years) & C39A (Ancient Folk Tale Fluent 11-12 years) will become: C39 (Ancient Folk Tale Fluent 9-12 years)

• C43 (Bible Reading Fluent 9-10 years) & C43A (Bible Reading Fluent 11-12 years) will become: C43 (Bible Reading Open 9-12 years)

• C139 (Ancient Folk Tale Fluent 16-18 years), C141 (Storytelling Fluent 16-18 years) and C149 (Storytelling Learners 16-18 years) will become: C141 (Storytelling Open 16-18 years)

• C140 (Understanding Fluent 16-18 years) & C148 (Understanding Learners 16- 18 years) will become: C140 (Understanding Open 16-18 years)

• C143 (Conversation Fluent 16-18 years) & C151 (Conversation Learners 16-18 years) will become: C143 (Conversation Open 16-18 years)

Thèid na farpaisean ùr seo a chur ris a’ Chlàr:

• C178A Accordion (Piano or 3/4/5 row button instrument with Stradella bass) Play a selection of contemporary traditional tunes. Own Choice.

• C180 Waulking (Singing waulking song of own choice. Group must consist of at least 7 persons. Time allocated 10 minutes (this includes setting-up time)).

• C181 New Waulking Song New Gaelic waulking song, put to music. (More than one person may be involved in this work.) Please submit a copy of written music or a CD of the music and written words.

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