Royal National Mòd News

Inverness Soup & Sandwiches

Published: 11 Mar 2013

This is a reminder of our final “Soup and Sandwiches” for this season on March 2013.

We are grateful for all your support at these events over the last 6 months and the programme for 2013/14 will be issued in due course.

An Comunn Gàidhealach

Inverness Branch

“Soup and Sandwiches”

Saturday 16th March 2013

12 - 2pm

Dunbar Centre, 86 Church Street


Adults £3

Children £1.50

Includes Tea and Coffee


“Royal National Mod 400 Club March draw”

All Welcome

“All proceeds go towards the running of the Inverness Local Mod in June 2013 and The Royal National Mod in 2014”

(The Inverness Local Mod will be held in the Eden Court Theatre on Friday 21st and Saturday 22nd June 2013.

The Syllabus is now available fom Jean Mackay at Tel. 07751777249 or E-Mail sineanna@aol.comand.)

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