Royal National Mod News


Published: 06 Apr 2010

Lochaber Area Committee Quaich

Mod 2010 sees the addition of a new competition to the Literary syllabus, which is open to all secondary school pupils in the local area. The lucky young winner will be presented with the Lochaber Area Committee Quaich, which was presented to An Comunn Gaidhealach to encourage creative writing by young people.

The Quaich will be awarded to the most promising young creative writer from the area in which the National Mod is based each year. The competition is open to all Secondary school pupils in the Caithness and Sutherland area. Entrants will be required to create a piece of writing (minimum 200 words) discussing the history of the Mod host area.

Any schools or individuals wishing to submit entries for this new competition should complete a Mod Entry Form and submit online or by post to An Comunn Gàidhealach, 109 Church Street, Inerness, IV1 1EY by 31st May 2010.

Further information is available from Marina Macleod at or telephone 01851 703 487.

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