Published: 31 Aug 2012
Return of Trophies
The deadline for all Mod trophies to be returned to us has PASSED.
Trophies were to be returned engraved and polished by the 31st of August.
There are several hundred trophies in total which we have to check and record. Therefore if they are returned late, this can create a lot of extra work for staff at a time when the office is already busy!
To avoid disappointment for new prize-winners on the day of competitions, last year’s winning competitors were asked that trophies were returned to us on time. The Rules clearly state that individuals who do not return trophies on time will be fined. If you have not returned your trophy, we will be contacting you soon with information on fines.
If you have any questions about returning the trophies, please call us on 01463 709 705.
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