Royal National Mòd News

​Uploading Own Choice Submissions on the Online System

Published: 30 Jun 2016

- All entries must be paid for before you can submit own choice pieces

- When you have paid for the competition, click on the ‘Manage Submissions’ button (on left hand side of screen)

- You will see the competitions which require own choice music

- Click Add and you will be directed to a page which will allow you to search your computer for your files

- Once selected, upload and finalise the files for your entry to be complete.

- The status of these entries will change to ‘submissions require approval’. An Comunn Gàidhealach staff will be checking andapproving entries in the coming months

Please note: own choice submissions for junior storytelling competitions C21, C25, C41, C41A & C89 are not necessary. However, the system will require for you to upload a document for your submission for your entry to be shown as complete. We ask that you please upload a blank document for this submission.

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