Rudan Ùra

Prògram a’ Mhòid

Tha sinn toilichte innse gu bheil Prògram oifigeil a’ Mhòid ri fhaotainn air-loidhne a-nis.

Program Mod Naiseanta Rioghail 2022 Peairt

Bidh lethbhreacan den Phrogram rin ceannach anns na laithean a tha romhainn. Cumaibh sùil air agus air na meadhanan sòistealta againn airson tuilleadh fiosrachadh.

Bidh na prògraman rin ceannach aig na h-àiteachan a leanas:
Oifis a’ Chomuinn (Steòrnabhagh)
Oifis a’ Chomuinn (Inbhir Nis)
Comhairle nan Leabhraichean, Glaschu
iCentre Peairt

Bidh cothrom ann prògram òrdachadh airson a dhol thugaibh sa phost cuideachd.

Take a look at some of the new competitions and initiatives of the year.

Competition The Royal National Mòd is on TikTok and we look to see your Gaelic bands for the Royal National Mòd per Perth 2022!
You only have to register, in Gaelic, about 3 minutes long, about any subject (but you’d be particularly welcome!). Put them up by Friday 14 October 2022, using #modpheairt2022, with a tag on @royalnationalmod.

Stream - “Any word will win”
Is an opportunity for young people to keep up with some of the most famous songs from the Gaelic world, on Mondays and Tuesdays. Don’t you and your friends come together to meet these wonderful people for a little bit of fun, find out about their work, delivery, newness – it’s hard to do a lot of work with them in Gaelic!

Proudly Sponsored By

Sangobeg Investments Ltd

Sangobeg Investments Ltd

BBC Alba

BBC Alba

Caledonian MacBrayne

Caledonian MacBrayne



The Scottish Government

The Scottish Government

Bòrd na Gàidhlig

Bòrd na Gàidhlig

Creative Scotland

Creative Scotland

Event Scotland

Event Scotland

Argyll & Bute Council

Argyll & Bute Council