An Comunn Gàidhealach welcomes new President

Published: 27 Mar 2017

After 10 years as President of An Comunn Gàidhealach Mr John Macleod has stepped aside from the role and welcomed Mr Allan Campbell as the new President. Allan, who is originally from the Isle of Skye and now lives in Inverness, has been involved with An Comunn Gàidhealach and the Royal National Mòd for many years and has served as a Director of the organisation for the last eight years.

John Macleod welcomed the appointment saying “Allan is a well-known and greatly respected member of the Gaelic community. He will bring his vast experience as a broadcaster, and as a Gaelic language campaigner, to the role. Indeed, to many Gaelic speaking households, Allan is already the face of the Mòd through his active role as the presenter of many of the Royal National Mòds biggest events. From a personal point of view, it has been an absolute privilege to have served An Comunn Gàidhealach as President and I am confident that I am handing the role to someone who will further enhance the work of An Comunn and the Royal National Mòd. The organisation is now in a strong position to support the development of our wonderful language; music and culture in the years to come.”

Allan Campbell, speaking following the AGM of An Comunn Gàidhealach in Lochaber, said “I would like to thank John Macleod for his work over the last decade. The role of President of An Comunn Gàidhealach will be both challenging and, hopefully, fulfilling. I do not underestimate the challenges, but I also recognise the opportunities that we are now presented with, through Gaelic Medium Education and the Arts. The supporting infrastructure is now in place and we can help to move the re-emergence of our language, music and culture forward over the coming years. We will strive to fulfill the aspirations outlined in the National Gaelic Plan. I look forward to shaping An Comunn Gàidhealach in the years to come.”

In addition, at the AGM, Janet Macdonald stepped down as the Mòd Director. The role is the key position liaising between the staff of An Comunn Gàidhealach and the communities that support the Royal National Mòd. Allan Campbell paid tribute to Janet saying that he recognised the power of work that Janet has undertaken for over a decade. “Janet has been the driving force behind the smooth running of the huge event that the Royal National Mòd has now become. She has brought a quiet authority and a meticulous attention to detail to the whole event. Her ability to work with everyone in high pressure competitive situations has defined the external perception of the event and we are grateful for her support. We hope that Janet will remain in our midst over the next years to help assure, and direct us, when assurance and direction is needed.”

Allan Campbell
Allan Campbell

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