A’ tadhal air a’ Mhòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail san Dàmhair agus airson planaichean a dhèanamh airson ur turas? Seo agaibh prògram oifigeil, slàn airson Iomall a’ Mhòid am bliadhna! Tha tachartasan ann airson an teaghlach air fad, ‘s mar sin, thoiribh sùil agus thigibh ann!
Prògram slàn an seo: bit.ly/3K5ZGvi
Tiocaidean airson na prìomh tachartasan an seo: https://www.horsecross.co.uk/.../the-royal-national-m%C3%B2d
Visiting the Royal National Mòd in Perth in October and trying to plan your trip? Take a look at this year’s official programme for the Mòd Fringe! There are events for the whole family, so make sure and get involved!
Full Fringe Programme: bit.ly/3K5ZGvi
Tickets for premier events: https://www.horsecross.co.uk/.../the-royal-national-m%C3%B2d