Sruth is Back!

Published: 11 Oct 2024

​Cothrom do dh’òigridh a thighinn a bhruidhinn ri cuid de na rionnagan as ainmeil air a’ Ghàidhealtachd. Thigibh ann is coinnichibh ri aghaidhean ainmeil, faighibh a-mach mun obair agus na cur-seachadan aca - bu thoigh leotha bhith a’ cabadaich ribh sa Ghàidhlig!

An opportunity for young people to come and chat with some of Gaeldom’s best known stars. Come along and meet some well known faces, find out about their work, their hobbies and interests - they would love to have a blether with you in Gaelic!

Monday 14 & Tuesday 15 October | 10am-3pm | Argyllshire Gathering Hall

Cuiribh fios gu ¦ Contact to register or for further information!

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