Published: 03 Mar 2025
Last Saturday our very successful Local Mòds 2025 Conference took place in Eden Court in Inverness. There were representatives from 13 Local Mòds involved who took part in presentations / workshops led by The BIT Collective, Tobar an Dualchais, FilmG and An Comunn staff. This provided the opportunity to learn about support available to the Mòds and best practice from others involved in the same work. Choirs brought the afternoon to a close with wonderful singing.
The day was opened by Deputy First Minister Kate Forbes and we are very grateful to The Scottish Government for their support.
Published: 24 Feb 2025
North Lanarkshire is set to host its first ever Local Mòd, providing a new opportunity for young people and families to come together to celebrate Gaelic language, music and culture.
Organised by An Comunn Gàidhealach, which has supported the teaching, development and promotion of Gaelic since its founding in Oban in 1891, Local Mòds help develop Gaelic language, history, and heritage at both local and national levels.
The announcement coincides with the start of World Gaelic Week, which kicks off today, Monday 24 February.
While North Lanarkshire previously hosted the National Mòd in Airdrie some 32 years ago in 1993, this marks the first time a Local Mòd will be held in the area.
The event will take place on Saturday 20 September 2025 at Greenfaulds High School in Cumbernauld and sees North Lanarkshire join a 21-strong network of Local Mòds across Scotland.
Supported by Bòrd na Gàidhlig, it will offer a range of competitions for young people, further strengthening Gaelic Medium Education (GME), which has been established in North Lanarkshire since 1997.
The day-long event is expected to bring together participants and supporters of Gaelic language, culture and music from across North Lanarkshire and beyond, providing a platform for participants to showcase and enhance their skills and connect with others.
An Comunn Gàidhealach President Maggie Cunningham said: “We are delighted that North Lanarkshire is launching a Local Mòd this year. We know from experience that Local Mòds do a great deal to stimulate interest in Gaelic in their own communities and I am sure this new initiative will add to the numbers involved in Gaelic across the country. Gura math a thèid leibh.”
Deputy First Minister Kate Forbes said: “Local Mòds benefit businesses, enrich the Gaelic language and bring communities together. This latest announcement will be a welcome boost for Gaelic speakers and supporters in North Lanarkshire.
“The benefits of Mòds were showcased at last year’s National Mòd in Oban, which generated an estimated £3.6 million for Scotland’s economy and attracted the highest attendance at a Mòd event in five years.
“To grow Gaelic, we have allocated an extra £5.7 million for initiatives to promote language in the draft Budget for 2025-26. We are also progressing the Scottish Languages Bill to strengthen provision of Gaelic education across Scotland.”
Welcoming the announcement, Councillor Jim Logue, Leader of North Lanarkshire Council, said: “The introduction of a Local Mòd in North Lanarkshire is a fantastic opportunity to celebrate and promote Gaelic language and culture.
“It will also provide young people and families with an exciting platform to showcase their talents and celebrate Gaelic education and heritage.”
This year’s Royal National Mòd, the prestigious Gaelic language and cultural celebration held in a different Scottish town or district annually, will take place in Lochaber from 10 - 18 October.
Published: 08 Jul 2024
Scotland’s rich Gaelic heritage is set to be celebrated in Aberdeen this September. The restored 1-day event will be anchored in the heart of Aberdeen, offering locals and visitors alike the opportunity to gather to enjoy Gaelic culture and music.
Marking a significant milestone in the preservation and celebration of Gaelic in the North-East, this revived local Mòd provides a platform for both junior and senior competitors to showcase their talents in various disciplines such as song, poetry, and music.
Local Mòds often serve as a stepping stone for the Royal National Mòd which takes place in a different Scottish town in October each year, with Oban welcoming back Gaeldom’s premiere musical and cultural event for 2024. Oban is fondly recognised as the home of the Mòd and will showcase its 17th edition this year.
Local Mòds have long served as the lifeblood of Gaelic culture, nurturing talents and fostering connections within communities across Scotland. With Aberdeen serving as the most recent addition to the Mòd family, An Comunn Gàidhealach and other local businesses in Aberdeen are making Gaelic culture accessible and enjoyable for all. Non-competitive musical activities will complement traditional competitions, offering a diverse array of experiences for participants and spectators alike.
James Graham, Chief Executive Officer of An Comunn Gàidhealach, said: “The addition of the Aberdeen Mòd represents an exciting step forward in our ongoing work to cultivate a thriving Gaelic community across Scotland through our Local Mòd network. It is testament to the enduring spirit of the community and their dedication to celebrate our Gaelic heritage that the Local Mòd has been reinstated in Aberdeen. This will continue to nurture and safeguard the invaluable legacy of Scotland’s Gaelic heritage for generations to come.”
Secretary of Aberdeen Mòd, Finlay Morse, said: “It is a joy to be bringing a revived Local Mòd back to our city. This is not only an opportunity to celebrate our Gaelic culture but also an occasion to gather and share stories and memories from Aberdeen’s Gaelic heritage. As we embark on this exciting journey with the Aberdeen Mòd, we extend a warm invitation to all who share our passion for Gaelic culture to join us in celebrating this exciting event.”
For further details on the Aberdeen Mòd and upcoming events, please visit the Local Mòd’s Facebook page here.
Published: 17 Jun 2024
An Comunn Gàidhealach were delighted to support the Glasgow Local Mòd which took place at Glasgow Gaelic Secondary School on Saturday 15th June 2024.
With over 200 entries for competitions in singing, poetry, storytelling, piping, battle of the bands, choirs….there was so much talent to be seen and heard. As you can see in the pictures there was a large audience watching the competitions too.
We would like to thank the committee, janitors, teachers, families, competitors, adjudicators, chair people and other supporters who worked together so well to bring the day to fruition.
Published: 11 Apr 2024
Remember you can view the list of 2024 Local Mòd dates here.
To view a map of all the Local Mòds or to view individual Mòd pages, please click here.
Published: 11 Apr 2024
If your Committee has set dates for this year’s Local Mod or if you have any news relating to your Mod, please do get in touch and we will publish these in a future issue of the newsletter, our website and our social media pages!
Published: 01 Mar 2024
A brand new Local Mòd was launched recently, which will be added to the Local Mòds calendar for 2024. Set to take place on Saturday 7 September 2024, the Dingwall Local Mòd will feature a partnership between An Comunn and Fèis Rois, offering non-competitive musical activities alongside traditional competitions. This latest collaboration underlines the commitment of Gaelic organisations to work together in promoting Scotland’s rich heritage and culture in ways which are both fun and accessible for all.
Steven MacIver, Chair of the Dingwall Local Branch of An Comunn Gàidhealach said: “The local committee and I are delighted to be working to re-establish the Dingwall Local Mòd which hasn’t taken place in about 20 years. Our main focus is to offer another platform for children, both in Gaelic-medium education and Gaelic learner education, to use the Gaelic language and develop their fluency outwith the classroom. The Mòd provides a fantastic opportunity to celebrate the rich history and culture through friendly competition and we want to provide everyone, but in particular the next generation of Gaelic speakers, this precious opportunity. It is exciting to see such support from the local community in re-establishing the local Mòd and we very much look forward to working in partnership with others to create a successful event that will continue to drive the development of the Gaelic language.”
The An Comunn Gàidhealach team are delighted to have an addition to the Local Mòd family and we wish the Committee all the very best for the preparations for this year’s Mòd!
Published: 04 May 2023
This year’s Provincial Mod will take place on Saturday 3rd June in Bettyhill.
The syllabus for this year’s Mod can be found here.
Entries will be accepted by post, e-mail and through our new online entry form which can be accessed below:
Contact: Carol-Anne Farquhar
Published: 19 Jan 2023
If your Local Mod Committee has set the dates for this year’s Mod, or if you have any news or information relating to your Mod, please contact and we will publish these in a future issue of the ACG newsletter, on our website and our social media pages.
Published: 08 Sep 2021
We are very sorry to have to tell you that we have had to take the difficult decision to cancel the Mod this weekend!! There are a number of cases of Covid among school pupils, with many pupils and teachers having to isolate. This would have impacted on entries on Friday.
But more importantly, we have to think of the safety and wellbeing of all competitors, adjudicators and volunteer helpers, as well as members of the public who may have attended.
We know you will be as disappointed as we are, especially when some of you would have been travelling here in a couple of days!!
Many thanks for agreeing to come, and we definitely hope to see you next year.
Published: 05 Apr 2021
The Edinburgh Local Mòd will be online in 2021. The syllabus, rules, and entry form are available on and keep an eye on our Facebook page (search for EdinburghMod; a Facebook account is not necessary as ours is a public page).
We have an expanded number of senior competitions this year so there is something for everyone.
All entry forms (and most entries - see syllabus for details) must be emailed to before 11.59pm on 30 April 2021.
Contact with any questions.
Published: 15 Jun 2020
The Isle of Skye Provincial Mod is taking place this week, online.
Please visit their Facebook page for further information and for details on how to get involved.
Best wishes to all who are taking part!
Published: 23 Apr 2020
The Edinburgh Provincial Mòd will be running a bit differently this year.
Please have a read of our Digital Local Mòd syllabus and encourage family and friends to enter. There are creative competitions for all ages!
Published: 11 Mar 2020
Published: 13 Feb 2020
A list of all the dates for this year’s Provincial Mods can be found via the following link:
Each provincial Mod has its own dedicated page on the website to enable Committees to promote their Mod and to advertise any events taking place and so on. Please click here to access these pages.
Published: 15 Jan 2020
Mòd Ionadail Inbhir Nis 2020 | Inverness Provincial Mòd 2020
Entries are now open for the 2020 Provincial Mòd in Inverness which takes place on Friday 19 and Saturday 20 June. Entries will close on Tuesday 31 March at 5.00pm.
This year there will be a few new competitions including the opportunity to submit a Podcast or Vlog! With the Royal National Mòd returning to Inverness this October, it would be great to see as many entries as possible at this year’s Provincial Mòd from folks of all ages!
Every year the Mòd secretaries spend time ensuring that the requirements for the competitions held at the Provincial Mòd match the competitions held at the National Mòd as closely as possible to ensure a smooth transition for competitors.
Please remember that all entries in the junior competitions are based on the competitor’s age on 1 October 2020 in line with the National Mòd rules, and not their age at the time of the Inverness Provincial Mòd in June.
Please also remember that entry fees now apply to all competitions, junior and senior. (N.B. junior competitors entering several solo competitions will be required to pay for a maximum of three.)
Please visit Inverness Provincial Mòd’s website for a copy of their syllabus and entry forms
Published: 16 Jan 2018
Thèid Mòd Ionadail Inbhir Nis 2019 a chumail Dihaoine 21mh & Disathairne 22mh den t-Ògmhios.
Gheibh sibh tuilleadh fiosrachadh, foirm iarrtais agus clàr a’ Mhòid bho làrach-lìn Mòd Ionadail Inbhir Nis.
Ceann-latha airson iarrtasan a thilleadh: 31/03/2019
Published: 01 Aug 2017
Meur Inbhir Nis, along with the newly established Mòd Inbhir Nis 2020 Local Organising Committee, will have a fundraising tombola stall at the Black Isle Show in Muir of Ord on Wednesday 2nd and Thursday 3rd August.
If you have any bottles you could donate (juice, alcohol, shampoo, shower gel etc) these will be gratefully received.
Please contact the Inverness Provincial Mòd secretary or message the Inverness Provincial Mòd Facebook page to arrange drop off of donations.
Mòran taing!
Published: 09 Mar 2017
Please note that Comunn Gàidhealach Leòdhais have changed the dates for this year’s Lewis Provincial Mod. The Mod will now take place between Tuesday 30 May – Friday 2 June. Comunn Gàidhealach Leòdhais would be grateful if you could distribute the amended dates to all Gaelic / Music teachers, parents etc.
Forms and music pieces for this year’s Mod will be circulated in the coming weeks.
Le gach deagh dhùrachd,
Comataidh Comunn Gàidhealach Leòdhais
Published: 03 Feb 2017
Published: 05 Dec 2016
Published: 05 Dec 2016
Published: 12 Jan 2016
Fundraising dance for Lochaber Mod 2017…
Published: 08 Jun 2015
Following another successful Mod held in Sgoil an Iochdair on the 29th and 30th of May with a turnout of well over 300 competitors, the Committee would like to thank all who took part, competitors, teachers and parents. A special thanks goes to those who helped with the organisation, home baking and smooth running of the Prizewinners’ concert.
All adjudicators were delighted by the level of talent among competitors. A fantastic day where gaelic culture and heritage was very much alive . Also to all the adjudicators and chairpersons who took the time to make the event possible.
A special thanks to all staff at Sgoil an Iochdair for their continued support.
We would also like to thank all Councillors for their valued funding.
We look forward to seeing you all on the 27th and 28th of May 2016.
Published: 21 Apr 2015
Just a quick reminder that entries for the Inverness Provincial Mòd close this Friday, 24 April 2015. All entry forms should be returned to Ross Brindle by this date, along with all translations, own choice music, art work and literature if applicable.
Please note, in the printed syllabus there were errors with the prescribed pieces listed for competitions C53, C54, C55 and C56 (Boys 9 and under 11 Fluent & Learners and Girls 11 and under 13 Fluent & Learners). Please double check that entrants are learning the correct piece as printed in the An Comunn Prescribed booklets. An updated copy of the syllabus is included below.
Inverness Provincial Mod 2015 Syllabus
You will also find a multiple entry form which you may prefer to use for entering groups of children.
Inverness Provincial Mod - Multiple Entry Form
Provincial Mòd Secretary
Meur Inbhir Nis
Published: 20 Apr 2015
The Edinburgh Provincial Mod will take place on the 25th May 2019 at Bunsgoil Taobh na Pàirce, Bonnington, Edinburgh.
Visit their website or their Facebook page for up to date information.
Best wishes to everyone taking part with this year’s Provincial Mod!
Published: 14 Apr 2015
Barra & Vatersay Provincial Mod 2015
Published: 09 Mar 2015
Uist Provincial Mod Ceilidh…
Published: 07 Jan 2014
Many of you will have already begun preparations for your 2014 Provincial Mods.
If you have any fundraising events, an AGM or any committee meetings coming up, feel free to get in touch with details and we will display the information on here and in our newsletter and Facebook page.
Send any details to:
Published: 18 Sep 2013
Please note that the usual competitions will not take place at this year’s SW Ross Provincial Mod. Only piping competitions will take place this year.
For further information please contact:
Barbara Smith
Mòd Ionadail Rois an Iar Dheis
Phone. 01599 534947
Published: 22 May 2013
Uist Accordions
Uist Dancing Club
Uist Singers and pipers
Saturday 15th June 2013
Green Drive Hall, Inverness
Finger Buffet … Tea/Coffee/…..Raffle Prizes
Admission: £10 ………. Bring Your own Bottle
Ticket bookings
available from:
“All proceeds go towards the running of the
Inverness Local Mod in June 2013 and The Royal National Mod in 2014”
Published: 23 May 2012
The Caithness and Sutherland Local Mòd takes place in Wick on Saturday 2nd June and preparations are nearly complete for hosting several hundred visitors coming back to the county less than two years after the successful national event held in the county in October 2010.
Visitors to the county will come from all over the North Highlands and beyond with competitions in a number of musical disciplines. The main competition venue for the “Mini-Mòd” will be the Assembly Rooms where the climax of the festival will be the Gala Concert and Cèilidh Dance in the evening hosted by MG Alba Marketing Manager, Murdo Morrison with guest artiste and National Mòd Medallist, Alasdair Whyte from the Isle of Mull.
Visiting the county over the weekend will be one of Scotland’s top Gaelic culture bands, returning after their successful performance at the National Mòd Fringe in 2010 – The Iain Angus MacLeod Band.
The programme detailing competitions will be available this week and will be in local shops and public buildings or by contacting one of the local An Comunn branch committee members.
The festival will have instrumental, group, solo and choral competitions taking place, starting at 9am in the Assembly Rooms where the Mod office will be located. One of the highlights of the Local Mòd will be the choral competitions with the county hosting a number of choirs for the day – these competitions will be held in the main hall at the Assembly Rooms starting at 1.30pm.
Published: 29 Aug 2011
Contact Details:
Mrs Barbara Smith
Sgurr Uran
Church Road
Kyle of Lochalsh
IV40 8DD
Tel: 01599 534947
Published: 03 Aug 2011
An Comunn Gàidhealach is delighted to announce that preparation is well underway for the staging of the first Barra & Vatersay Provincial Mòd since the 1930’s! The event will take place on September 30th and October 1st 2011. Instrumental competitions including fiddle, accordion, clarsach and instrumental groups will take place on the Friday evening with Piping, Oral, Vocal and Choral events on the Saturday.
With the Royal National Mòd taking place in the Western Isles in October this year, it is very appropriate that the re-emergence of Mòd Ionadail Bharraigh is Bhatarsaigh will precede that. It is a perfect platform for those going forward to compete at the National Mòd.
Provincial Mòd Liaison officer, Riona Whyte, has visited the island on several occasions and during her most recent visit called at local schools and held an after school workshop to encourage participation in the Mòd.
The syllabus and entry is now available on the An Comunn Gàidhealach website where there is a specific page for Mòd Ionadail Bharraigh is Bhatarsaigh.
The committee has been working hard to secure adjudicators, venues and sponsorship for this event but are still looking for more people to help with chairing, stewarding or even making the tea! For further details or if you would like to contribute in any way, please contact Jane MacNeil on
The re-establishment of Mòd Ionadail Uibhist is also well underway and the hard working committee are organising their event to take place in March 2012. For details of Mòd Ionadail Uibhist please contact Fiona MacAulay on
Published: 27 Jun 2011
Contact Details:
Jean Mackay
26 Trentham Court
Tel: 07751 777249