A' Gabhail Ris

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A' Gabhail Ris

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A' GAbhail Ris le Maoilios M. Caimbeul

A thuilleadh air an fhear seo, tha Maoillios Caimbeul air trì leabharain bàrdachd eile a chur an clò. 'S iad sin Eileanan (Glaschu, 1980), Bailtean (Glaschu, 1987), agus A' Càradh an Rathaid (Baile Atha Cliath, 1988). Tha cuideachd taghadh den bhàrdachd aige ri fhaighinn anns a' chruinneachadh An Aghaidh na Sìorraidheachd (Dùn Eideann, 1993). Tha Maoilios a' faicinn sgaradh eadar bàrdachd coimhearsnachd agus bàrdachd phearsanta. Bha na dhà ann riamh, ach cha b' àbhaist sgaradh cho mòr a bhith eatorra. Tha a' chiad seòrsa bàrdachd tric a' daingneachadh faireachdainnean agus smaointinn a tha anns a' choimhearsnachd mu thràth. Tha an dara seòrsa dìomhair, pearsanta agus air leth bhon choimhearsnachd agus ag èirigh bho luachan a tha a' tighinn bhon duine fhèin. Tha an strì sin follaiseach air feadh an t-saoghail anns na h-ealain - strì eadar dualchas/choimhearsnachd air aon làimh agus fradharc pearsanta air an làimh eile.


Other than this book, Myles Campbell has put together three other poetry books. They are Eileanan (Glasgow, 1980), Bailtean (Glasgow, 1987), and A' Càradh an Rathaid (Dublin, 1988). There is also a selection of poems in his collection An Aghaidh na Sìorraidheachd (Edinburgh, 1993). Myles sees a seperation between community poetry and personal poetry. They have both always been there, but there used to be a big seperation between them. The first type of poetry often reinforces the feelings and thoughts that is already in the community. The second type is confidential, private and away from the community and emerges with the value of the person themself. That struggle is obvious across the whole world in the arts - the struggle between tradition/ communiry on one hand and personal vision on the other hand.


Product CodeAGARI

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