An Crogall Nach Iarraidh Gu Uisge

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An Crogall Nach Iarraidh Gu Uisge

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Product Information

An Crogall Nach Iarraidh Gu Uisge le Gemma Merino

Tha fhios againn uile air iarrtas nan crogall gu uisge. Uill, chan e sin e dhan chrogall seo. Cha tèid e faisg air uisge IDIR, IDIR. 'S ann as fheàrr leis a bhith a' sreap chraobhan!

Am faodadh e bhith nach e crogall a tha anns a' chrogall bheag seo idir?


We all know the need crocodiles have for water. Well, that's not the case for this crocodile. He won't go near water EVER, EVER. He would much rather be climbing trees!

Could it be that this little crocodile wasn't a crocodile at all?

Product CodeACNIGU

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