An Sgàineadh le Tormod Calum Dòmhnallach
Tha a' chiad earrann stèidhichte air beatha an ùghdair, ged a tha esan a' dearbhadh gur e uirsgeul a th' ann: nach e ficsean a th' anns a h-uile h-eachdraidh? Gun teagamh, bha an sgrìobhadair òg, bha air taobh eile an t-saoghail, is e bha gòrach. Anns an dara h-earrainn tha e a' lorg beagan gliocais agus a' gabhail grèim air an dòigh-beath' aige, le bhith a' rannsachadh mu dheidhinn nan daoine bhon tàinig e agus a' seachnadh nan taighean-seinns'.
Leis an treas earrainn, tha sinn a' dol a-steach do shaoghal an dràma beò, is oidhirp ga dèanamh air sealltainn, tro bhith a' cruthachadh dealbh-chluich stèidhichte air eachdraidh Alba san 16mh linn, dè chaidh ceàrr air feallsanachd nan Gàidheal.
Bheir an ceathramh earrann dhuinn sgeul inntinneach stèidhichte air eachdraidh Steòrnabhaigh o chionn 100 bliadhna, nuair a bha am baile aig inbhe nach do ràinig e bhon uair sin. Tha seo air a chur sìos ann an riochd film a thathas a' cruthachadh anns an là an-diugh.
The first section is set on the writer's life, even though he's determined it's a novel: isn't everything in history fictional? Without a doubt, the writer was young, he was on the other side of the world, and he was silly. In the second section he finds some wisdom and sorts out his lifestyle, by researching the people he came from and avoiding the pubs.
With the heard section, we enter the world of animation, and attempts to show it, by creating plays set on history in Scotland in the 16th century, what went wrong in the philosophy of the Gaels.
The fourth section will give us an interesting story set on the history of Stornoway over 100 years ago, when the town was at a level that it hasn't reached since. This is now made in the form of a film that is created in the present day.