Bho Leabhar-Latha Maria Malibran

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Bho Leabhar-Latha Maria Malibran

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Product Information

Bho Leabhar-Latha Maria Malibran (From the Diary of Maria Maliburn) le Christopher Whyte

Tha mo bhodhaig, saoilidh mi, 'na h-aodach a chuireas mi a thaobh ag amannan, gu cùramach is gaolach, 's mis' a' siubhal 'nam ghuth, is dòcha, air neo ann an sgàthan. Ach chan eil mi 'nam aonar anns an sgàthan.


Sometimes I think my body is a dress I can take off and put aside at times, lovingly and with care, while I myself move off into my voice, or to the mirror. But in the mirror I can get no peace.

Product CodeBL-LMM

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