
  • One Road

    One Road

    One Road le Angus Peter Campbell "I can only say that reading Angus Peter Campbell's latest collection has been a privilege. This is a genuine and exciting voice of Scotland, full of passion, intelligence and honesty. With beautiful simplicity Campbell brings together the historical experience of the Gael and Scot. He rages eloquently against subtle and open genocide in Scotland and beyond. We are asked to bear witness to suffering and hope among the victims of thhe Highland Clearances, the present dau urban dispossessed, those burned from Amazon forests. We may want easy answers, a little dogma to ease away the pain, but Campbell offers us something far more challenging - faith. Through the centuries, cultures and memories persist. In the face of oppression waste, Campbell finds daily acts of courage and love. We are offered one road towards an invincible peace, moments of devotion to a lover or a landscape, and visions of an enduring spiritual reality. I would recommend this volume to anyone with an interest in Scotland or the qualities of the human spirit." - A L Kennedy



  • Òrain Eachainn MhicFhionghain

    Òrain Eachainn MhicFhionghain

    Cruinneachadh dhen bhàrdachd aig Eachann MacFhionghain


  • Ord's Bothy Songs and Ballads

    Ord's Bothy Songs and Ballads

    Ord's Bothy Songs and Ballads of Aberdeen Banff & Moray - Angus and the Mearns John Ord's Bothy Songs and Ballads, first published in 1930s=, is an important source book for everyone interested in folksongs and ballads, and indeed in folklife itself. In response to popular demand, this classic document of Scottish life and character is now reissued in paperback with a new, illustrated Introduction by Sandy Fenton, himself a native of the north-east of Scotland and an internationally recognised folklorist.


  • Playing for the Red Jersey- A History of Point Football Club

    Playing for the Red Jersey- A History of Point Football Club

    Playing for the Red Jersey- A History of Point Football Club le Matthew M MacIver This book commemorates the 80th anniversary of Point Football Club. The Club was founded in 1934 and since then has been an integral part of the Point Community. The book relates not just the Club's many and proud achievements on the football field but also its place in the development of Point as a thriving community in Lewis.


  • Rhenigidale- A Community's Fight for Survival

    Rhenigidale- A Community's Fight for Survival

    Rhenigidale- A Community's Fight for Survival by Kenneth MacKay. Sometimes dreams do come true and for Kenneth MacKay 20th February 1990 was the day that his dream became a reality with the official opening of the road to the village of Rhenigidale. The village nestles on the north east coast of Harris, looking out to the Shiant Islands, and is visited by walkers from all over the world to experience the 'Postie's Walk'. This rugged path, snaking nearly four miles along the cliff tops, was the shortest land access to the village and was the only route available to the village postmen. In this very personal account Kenneth MacKay, one of the last village postman to make the arduous journey, describes both growing up in the village and, as an adult, the successful campaign he led to have the road built. Family photographs, croft histories, maps and excerpts from relevant papers all contribute to this fascinating story.



  • Ris a' Bhruthaich

    Ris a' Bhruthaich

    Ris a' Bhruthaich le Somhairle Mac Gill-eain Sorley MacLean was the greatest Gaelic poet of our time, and his ideas reinvigorated 20th century Gaelic literature and language. Packed with the key themes and critical insights of a lifetime, and also including three original Gaelic short stories, the writings in this book form the closest to a critical autobiography we may ever see. This book contains over 40 years of criticism, their changes and developments in Gaelic scholarship during that period bringing fresh perceptions and interpretations. The essays vary greatly in subject matter, from the folk-songs of the 17th century to the parallels between the instigators of the Clearances and the fascists of Germany. Throughout this collection, MacLean constantly strives towards an understanding of "the obscure territory between the explicit and implicit", and an accurate means of describing the essence of Gaelic. It is essential reading for all students of Gaelic and lovers of poetry, by the most influential practitioner and scholar of our age.



  • Saints & Sinners- Tales of Lewis Lives

    Saints & Sinners- Tales of Lewis Lives

    This scholarly and readable book by Iain Smith et al goes a long way to answering many questions. The focus is on case studies, ranging from Professor Donald Mackenzie (1882 to 1941) from Aird Point to Murdo (Crola) Macdonald the self taught postman and scholar (1907-1940). The latter history moves one to tears when reading about the efforts made by this gifted man. There are poets, explorers, theologians, teachers and academics in this book.


  • Sgeulachdan Sa Chiaradh

    Sgeulachdan Sa Chiaradh

    Sgeulachd Sa Chiaradh le Tormod Caimbeul  



  • Sgìre a' Bhradain

    Sgìre a' Bhradain

    Sgìre a' Bhradain: Bàrdachd bho Cheann a' Loch, Eilean Leòdhais/A Collection of Poems from Kinloch, Isle of Lewis Tha deagh chruinneachadh de bhàrdachd, Gàidhlig is Beurla san leabhar seo. Chaidh iad uile an sgrìobhadh le daoine aig an robh buinteanas ri Sgìre Cheann a' Loch - Sgìre a' Bhradain. Tha an taghadh seo a' toirt deagh shealladh dhuinn air cànan is cultar coimhearsnachd chroitearachd sna h-eileanan. Tha còrr air ceud bliadhna on chaidh a' chiad oìos a sgrìobhadh ach tha e iongantach gu bheil na h-aon fhaireachdainnean a' sruthadh sìos tro na ginealaichean.   Sgìre a' Bhradainn is a fine collection of Gàidhlig bàrdachd and English poems composed by Kinloch residents past and present originating from the villages of Arivruach, Balallan, Keose Glebe, Laxay and surrounding districts. This unique harvest of some very individual and personal insights embraces the diverse language and cultur of an island crofting community. Some of the earliest compositions were written over a hundred years ago and reveal familiar emotions which run through the generations.



  • Shinty!


    Shinty! le Hugh Dan MacLennan (1993), 368 pages over 350 illustrations - legendary figures and Epic Clashes - songs - cartoons - the Irish connection - team photographs - results - Club histories - controversies - celebrations - revelations from the archives - Camanachd Association centenary The ultimate compilation.



  • Sia Dealbhan-Cluiche

    Sia Dealbhan-Cluiche

    Sia Dealbhan-Cluiche le Alasdair Caimbeul  



  • Slaightearan


    Slaightearan le Tormod MaGill-Eain Tha Murchadh ann an staing a-rithist - mar bu mhinig a bha. Tha cunnart ann gun caill e na rudan as luachmhoire a th' aige - a leannan àrd eireachdail, Raonaid, is caitheamh-beatha a tha a' tighinn ris gu mòr. Cha toir ise dha ach an aon chothrom, is feumaidh e bhith sgiobalta. Ach tha Murchadh na chleasaiche, is 's dòcha gu bheil cleas ann a bheir fuasgladh dha. Is cò aige a tha fios an uair sin cò a bhios na shuidhe sa Chowgate an Dùn Èideann, gun dachaigh, a' feitheamh ri na Seirbheisean Sòisealta?   Murdo is in distress again - as he oftenly was. He's in danger of losing the things most precious to him - his tall and beautiful sweetheart, Rachel, and his lifestyle affects that greatly. She will only give him one chance, and he has to be clean. But Murdo is a clown, maybe he has an act that will undo things for him. And who knows who will then be sitting in Cowgate in Edinburgh, without a home, waiting for the Social Services?


