Bàrdachd Dhòmhnaill Alasdair

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Bàrdachd Dhòmhnaill Alasdair

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Product Information

Bàrdachd Dhòmhnaill Alasdair - Dòmhnall Alasdair Dòmhnallach / Facal-toisich le Joan Dhòmhnallach, nighean a' Bhàird

Ma tha thu ag iarraidh bàrdachd a leughadh a th' air a cur ri chèile le faireachdainn, grinneas, loinn agus tuigse, 's e seo an leabhar dhut. Tha Dòmhnall Alasdair Dòmhnallach air a bhith a' sgrìobhadh bàrdachd a-nis bho chionn iomadh bliadhna agus tha cuid dhith air nochdadh mu-thràth ann an diofar àiteachan.

Anns a' chruthachadh seo tha cuspairean gaoil dhe gach seòrsa. Tha luinneagan sunndach ann cuideachd a bheir gàire agus fiamh-ghàire. A bharrachd air an sin tha e a' togail chuspairean phoilitigeach, agus a' toirt dhuinn iomradh làidir air cogadh 's air sìth.

Tha rud anns a' bhàrdachd aige a chòrdas ri aois òige an là an-diugh agus ri na ginealaich a thig às an dèidh.


If you are looking to read poetry that is put together with emotion, elegancy, grace and understanding, this is the book for you. Dòmhnall Alasdair MacDonald has now written poetry over a number of years and some have already been noticed already in different places.

In this book love is expressed in different ways. There are cheerful lullaby's included as well that will make you laugh and smile. As well as that, he picks up on politcial topics, and gives us and comments strongly on war and peace.

There is something in his poems that people of a young age will enjoy now-a-days and the generations to come.


Product CodeBADOAL

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