Bàrdachd Leòdhais

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Bàrdachd Leòdhais

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Product Information

Bàrdachd Leòdhais lain N. Macleòid

The fèill mhòr air an leabhar seo anns a bheil còrr is ceud òran Gàidhlig. Tha tòrr de na h-òrain fhathast air beul dhaoine agus cuid gan seinn aig cuirmean agus fèisean.

Tha dàin spioradail nam measg cuideachd a bheir mòran toileachais. Tha Acair air leth moiteil a bhith a' cur an leabhar seo a-mach às ùr airson seann bhàrdachd Ghàidhlig a chumail fa chomhair an t-sluaigh.


There is a festival in this book where there are arounf 100 Gaelic songs. Many of the songs are still sung by people and are sung at gigs and festivals.

There are spiritual poems amongst the songs as well that will bring joy to many people. Acair are very proud to be launching this book in the effort to keep these old poems alive.

Product CodeBARLEO

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