Bàrdachd Uilleam Iain Caimbeul

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Bàrdachd Uilleam Iain Caimbeul

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Product Information

Bàrdachd Uilleam Iain Caimbeul (Poems of Willie John Campbell (Willie Teddy))

"Chan e leabhar a tha seo a tha dìreach do mhuinntir an Rubha, 's e leabhar a th' ann a bheir brosnachadh dhuinn uile aig a bheil faireachdainn làidir de dhìlseachd do ar cànan, ar cultar agus ar freumhan". Seo mar a sg`riobh Mata MacÌomhair anns an ro-ràdh sa chruinneachadh thaitneach seo dhen bhàrdachd aig Willie John Caimbeul. The òrain de gach seòrsa againn an seo - òrain gaoil, òrain molaidh, òrain cianalais agus òrain èibhinn eirmseach. Tha iad uile air an sgrìobhadh le bàrd baile aig a bheil liut air leth. 'S e mìorbhail a th' ann gu bheil iad againn a-nis ann an aon leabhar, glèidhte airson ginealach ùr a bhith gan gabhail.


"This is not just a book for the people of Point, it is one that will inspire all of us who feel a strong sense of loyalty to our language, our culture and our roots", states Matthew MaIver in his introduction to this charming boo. The book has poems and songs that reflect the poet's own life and by turn the life of the wider part of this close knit island community. Love songs, songs that praise his island home and songs that will make you laugh out loud - they are all here, written in Willie John's very personal style and this book now shares them with a new generation.

Product CodeBUIC

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