Chan e sin mo cheann-fionn...

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Chan e sin mo cheann-fionn...

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Product Information

Chan e sin mo cheann-fionn... - Sgrìobhadh le Fiona Watt, Dealbhan le Rachel Wells


'S e leabhar don chloinn as òige tha seo. Thathas ag amas air an sgilean mothachaidh agus cànain a thoirt air adhart leis na dealbhan dathte agus na diofar stuthan air gach duilleag. Còrdaidh e ris a' chloinn a bhith a' tionndaidh nan duilleagan agus a' laimhseachadh nan dealbhan.


This is a book for young children. It aims to develop their awareness and language skills with the colours and textures on each page. The children will enjoy turning the pages and feeling around the pictures.

Product CodeCHA2KVK895

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