Children's Books

  • Ùpraid nan Ròbot

    Ùpraid nan Ròbot

    Ùpraid nan Ròbot - Sean Taylor / Ross Collins Theirgibh còmhla ris a' nighean bheag 's na Ròbotan dhan ùpraid 's dhan a' ghleadhraich, air a thoirt dhuinn le sgrìobhadair a choisinn Duais a' Royal Mail.   Go with the little girl and the Robots into the uproar and the noise, given to us by a writer who received the Royal Mail award.


  • WOW! Thuirt a' Chailleach-Oidhche

    WOW! Thuirt a' Chailleach-Oidhche

    Le Tim Hopgood, a' Ghàidhlig le Tormod Caimbeul Leabhar mu dheidhinn Dathan | A book about Colours "WOW!" arsa cailleach bheag na h-oidhche, a dh'fuirich na dùisg fad an latha. Tugainn còmhla rithe gu saoghal àlainn làn dathan.



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