Deilbh is Faileasan

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Deilbh is Faileasan

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Product Information

Deilbh is Faileasan (Images and Reflections) le Dòmhnall MacAmhlaigh

Bunaidh Dòmhnall MacAmhlaigh do Chirceabost am Beàrnaraigh Leòdhais, far am bi e gu tric a' tilleadh ged a tha a dahchaigh an Dùn Èideann. Tha e air fear dhen dheadhainn as ainmeile a tha an sàs ann am bàrdachd Ghàidhlig san nòs ùr, agus chithear san leabhar seo cho cudromach agus a tha a dhùthchas agus a dhualchas aig gach ìre, agus tha seo farsaing is a tha an raon a tha e a' toirt leis anns a' bhàrdachd

A native of Bernera, Lewis, Donald Macaulay has taught at Trinity College Dublin and Edinburgh, Aberdeen and Glasgow Universities, where he retires as Professor of Celtic in 1996. He us the editor of the acclaimed anthology Nua-Bhàrdachd Ghàidhlig, first published in 1976 and still in print; of an account of land agitation in the Hebrides, Oighreachd agus Gabhaltas (1981); and of a textbook, The Celtic Languages (1994). He isa leading modern poet, and this volume containes uncollected and unpublished work written since his only other collection, Seòbhraich as a' Chlaich, appeared in 1967.

Product CodeDEISFA

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