Dol Fodha na Grèine

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Dol Fodha na Grèine

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Product Information

Dol Fodha na Grèine- Buaidh a' Chogaidh Mhòir- Nis gu Baile an Truiseil

The Going Down of the Sun- The Great War and a rural Lewis Community

Thairis air a' cheud bliadhna mu dheireadh thathar air iomadach leabhar a chur an clò mun Chogadh Mhòr. Chuir Call na h-Iolaire aig a' Bhliadhn' Ùir 1919 clach-mhullaich uabhasach air a h-uile càil. B' e seo cuspair bròin bu chainail a thàinig a-riamh air an eilean. Tha an leabhar seo a' cur urram air na naoi ceud neach bhon sgìre, eadar Sgiogarstaigh agus Baile an Truiseil, a ghabh pàirt anns a' chogadh. Bhathar fortanach, nuair a thòisich Comunn Eachdraidh Nis ann an 1977, gu robh feadhainn de na laoich fhathast còmhla rinn. Tha na còmhraidhean a chaidh a chlàradh leothasan na phàirt chudromach den leabhar. Tha Clàr nan Gaisgeach a' toirt fiosrachadh seachad air na naoi ceud duine-uasal a dh'fhàg ar sgìre airson a dhol an sàs ann an cogadh fad às. 'S e cuimhneachan cùbhraidh agus prìseil a th' againn orra gu lèir.

Over the past one hundred years much has been written about the cocktail of circumstances that led to the Great War, the chaos and confusion of its battles, and- closer to home- that cruel conclusion of the Beasts of Holm on New Year's morning 1919 when over 200 island sailors returned home from the Great War perished in the Iolaire disaster. Some 900 men and several women from the coastal villages between Skigersta and Ballantrushal were on active service during the war years. They are all remembered here with honour and some who survived the war gave precious accounts of their experiences to Comunn Eachdraidh Nis back in the 1970s. This book is the story of that generation of our people caught up in a distant war in which mustard gas and machine-guns, zepplins and submarines, torpedoes and tanks, artillery shells and aeroplanes were the instruments of death in a new and terrible age.

Product CodeDOLB9

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