Eadar Mi 's a' Bhreug

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Eadar Mi 's a' Bhreug

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Eadar Mi 's a Bhreug le Màiri Nic Gumaraid

Rugadh is thogadh Màiri Nic Gumaraid an Airigh Bhruthaich air Sgìre nan Loch an eilean Leòdhais, an Alba. Tha i a-nis a' fuireachd agus ag obair an Glashcu. Nuair a dh'fhàg i Oilthigh Obair-Dheadhain, bho chionn dusan bliadhna air ais, lean i ri a h-ùidh anns a' Ghàidhlig le beith a' dol an sàs ann an obraichean a bha co-cheangailte ris a' chànan is ris a' Ghàidhealtachd.

Seo a' chiad leabhar bàrdachd aig Màiri, agus cuideachd a' chiad leabhar bàrdachd a rinneadh mar seo, le Gàidhlig is Gaeilge ri taobh a chèile.


Màiri Montgomery was born and brought up in Arivruach, in Lochs on the Isle of Lewis, in Scotland. She is now living and working in Glasgow. When she left Aberdeen University, about 12 years ago, she followed her passion for Gaelic and went on to work with the language and the Highlands.

This is her first book of poems, and also  the first book of poems she's done like this, with Gaelic and Gaeilge combined.

Product CodeEMSAB

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