Flòraidh 's na Ròin

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Flòraidh 's na Ròin

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Product Information

Flòraidh 's na Ròin - Gemma Champ / Mairi Kidd

Bha e duilich dha na ròin a bhith beo shìos air grunnd na mara le mar a bha daoine a' tilgeil sgudal grànda dhan mhuir. Le bhith nam measg fhuair Flòraidh a-mach gu robh na ròin glè choltach ri daoine...


It was difficult for the seals to be alive down on the sea bed with how people have been throwing disgusting rubbish into the sea. Flòraidh found out that the seals were quite similar to people whilst being amongst it.

Product CodeFL

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