Hiort - Far Na Laigh a' Ghrian

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Hiort - Far Na Laigh a' Ghrian

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Hiort - Far Na Laigh a' Ghrian le Calum MacFhearguis

Hiort - "eilean beag air iathad le stacaichean cas, gruamach mu chuairt air trì fichead mìle an iar air Uibhist a Tuath". 'S fhada bho ghlac Hiort agus eachdraidh nan Hiortach inntinnean dhaoine, ach seo a' chiad leabhar mun deidhinn nan cànan fhèin.

Le tuigse agus co-fhaireachdainn, tha an t-ùghdar air iomadach seòrsa fiosrachaidh a cheangal ri chèile agus cunntas mionaideach a thoirt air an eilean agus air dòigh-beatha nan daoine bho na linntean bu tràithe gu latha an fhàsachaidh ann an 1930. Tha sin air a dhèanamh air dòigh a tha glè thaitneach dhan leughadair, is gach earrainn air a thoirt beò le dealbhan, uirsgeulan, mapaichean, rabhdan, seann sgrìobhaidhean agus còrr air fichead òran laoidh agus pìos ciùil.


St Kilda - "a small island with steep, steep cliffs around it about 60 miles west of North Uist". It had been a while since St Kilda and its history caught the attention of people, but this is the first book on their own language.

With understanding and empathy, the writer has managed to tie in so many different pieces of information and has given us a detailed account about the island and the lifestyle of the people from the earliest centuries to the evacuations in 1930. This has been done in a way that attracts the reader, and each section is brought to life with the use of pictures, tales, maps, spiels, old writings and around 20 ballad songs and pieces of music.


Product CodeH-FNLNG

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