Là a' Dèanamh Sgèil Do Là

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Là a' Dèanamh Sgèil Do Là

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Là a' Dèanamh Sgèil Do Là le Aonghas Pàdraig Caimbeul

Nobhail chumhachdail eile bho Aonghas Pàdraig Caimbeul. Chì sinn teaghlach anns an Eilean Sgiatheanach agus duine sònraichte aig a bheil buaidh mhòr air am beatha, ach 's ann san àm ri teachd a tha seo, agus tha lathaichean doirbhe, dorcha a' tighinn air a' chinne-daonna. A dh'aindeoin sin, mairidh miann air saorsa, agus faodaidh rudan mìorbhaileach tachairt.

Tha an sgeulachd a' sgaoileadh fad' is farsaing tro thìm agus air feadh an t-saoghail mhòir. Tha i a' toirt dòchas dhuinn uile.


Another powerful novel from Aonghas Pàdraig Campbell. We get a look at a family on the Isle of Skye and a special man who has a large effect on their lives, but this is in the future, and hard, dark days are approaching mankind. Aside from that, a desire for freedom, and amazing things could happen.

The story is spread across time and the big world. It gives us all hope.

Product CodeLDSDL

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