Laoich nan Òran (Heroes of Song)

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Laoich nan Òran (Heroes of Song)

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Product Information

Laoich nan Òran (Heroes of Song): A collection of bardachd from North Lochs, Isle of Lewis

Nothing defines the soul of a community quite like a comprehensive collection of its bardic output. This has long been a major hallmark of individual Gaelic speaking areas and it is vital that this ethos is captured while it is still possible to do so.

Those with the requisite to supply us with a rich diversity of 'close to the heart' themes, have always been few in number. Obviously, not all are born with this gift. However, those who are possessed of it seem to express what all of us would desire to articulate in this way, but cannot.

It is also evident that some bards seem to have this mode of expression flowing daily as they cannot help but view the world through verse. Others can only produce it when compelled to do so through deep emotional experience. This collection has it all, including the typical themes of nature, romance, satire and spiritual experience. With over one hundred contributions, many of them previously unpublished, it is the most comprehensive compilation ever to emerge from North Lochs on the Isle of Lewis.

Product CodeLAO69

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