Latha Mòr na Glaodhaich!

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Latha Mòr na Glaodhaich!

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Product Information

Latha Mòr na Glaodhaich! - Rebecca Patterson

Chan e latha math a th' aig Iseabail - tha a h-uile dad a' dol ceàrr agus dè an còrr a nì i ach tòiseachadh a' glaodhaich!

Ach gabhaidh na droch làithean seachad, gu h-àraidh nuair a tha Mamaidh ann airson cudail agus gaol nuair a tha feum air... agus Iseabail ag ionnsachadh mar a chanas i... THA MI DUILICH!


It is not a good day for Iseabail - everything is going wrong and what else would she do but start yelling!

But the bad days will pass, especially when Mam is there for a cuddle and love when the time comes for... and as Iseabail learns to say... I'M SORRY!

Product CodeLMnaG

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