Na Deich Spùinnich Bheaga

Na Deich Spùinnich Bheaga

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Product Information

Deich spùinnich bheaga

a' seòladh air a' chuan,

A' sèinn 's ag èigheachd,

abair thusa fhauim!

Ach dè nì iad nuair a thig ioma-ghaoth? No giobarnach mòr? No Siorc Mòr Acrach?


Ten little pirates,

Sailing the seas,

Singing and shouting,

what a noise!

But what will they do when a big whirl-wind comes? Or a big octopus? Or a big hungry shark?

Rannan tradiseanta mu chunntadh le fealla-dhà! Traditional verses about counting with fun!

Product CodeNA Z9

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