Nas Gile Na Sneachd

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Nas Gile Na Sneachd

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Product Information

Nas Gile Na Sneachd le Cairistiona Stone / Daibhidh MacLeòid

Tha Eilidh a' fàs suas ann an coimhearsnachd far a bheil an creideamh Crìosdail gu math cudromach. 'S e a' bhliadhna 1905 a th' ann. Tha tachartasan - math agus dona - ga gluasad gu smuaintean gu math domhainn.

'S e nighean laghach, chòir a th' innte ach tha e glè dhoirbh dhi maitheanas a thoirt dhan dithis bhalach a bha a' dèanamh buaireadh sa choimhearsnachd agus a ghoirtich i fhèin.

Gheibhear dealbh bhlàth de theaghlach Eilidh, den nàbaidhean agus den t-saoghal sa bheil iad beò, trang leis an liuthad obair croite tha ri dhèanamh tro na ràithean, agus taiceil dha chèile. Agus, beag air bheag, tha Eilidh a' tighinn gu tuigse mun chreideamh Chrìosdail agus mar bu chòir maitheanas a thoirt do dhaoine a nì cron.


Eilidh is growing up in a community where Christianity is very important. It is the year 1905. Events - good and bad - move her to deep thoughts.

She's a loyal, kind girl but it is difficult for her to give forgiveness to two boys who are troublesome in the community and who hurt her.

You will get a warm picture of Eilidh's family, neighbours and the world in which they live in, busy with their crofting through the seasons, and thankful for eachother. And, little by little, Eilidh comes to an understanding about Christianity and should give forgiveness to those who do harm.

Product CodeNGNS

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