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Slaightearan le Tormod MaGill-Eain

Tha Murchadh ann an staing a-rithist - mar bu mhinig a bha. Tha cunnart ann gun caill e na rudan as luachmhoire a th' aige - a leannan àrd eireachdail, Raonaid, is caitheamh-beatha a tha a' tighinn ris gu mòr. Cha toir ise dha ach an aon chothrom, is feumaidh e bhith sgiobalta.

Ach tha Murchadh na chleasaiche, is 's dòcha gu bheil cleas ann a bheir fuasgladh dha. Is cò aige a tha fios an uair sin cò a bhios na shuidhe sa Chowgate an Dùn Èideann, gun dachaigh, a' feitheamh ri na Seirbheisean Sòisealta?


Murdo is in distress again - as he oftenly was. He's in danger of losing the things most precious to him - his tall and beautiful sweetheart, Rachel, and his lifestyle affects that greatly. She will only give him one chance, and he has to be clean.

But Murdo is a clown, maybe he has an act that will undo things for him. And who knows who will then be sitting in Cowgate in Edinburgh, without a home, waiting for the Social Services?

Product CodeSLAIGH

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