Spùinneadairean Dubh Na h-Oidhche

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Spùinneadairean Dubh Na h-Oidhche

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Product Information

Spùinneadairean Dubh Na h-Oidhche - Peter Harris / Deborah Allwright

A h-uile duine air bòrd airson turas-oidhche! Ann am beul na h-oidhche 's e na leabaidh tha Tòmas a' smaoineachadh gur e uilebheistean no bòcain a tha e a' faicinn na rùm. Ach tha e ceàrr.

Spùinneadairean a th' ann! (feadhainn àraidh annasach). Dè tha iad ag iarraidh le beulaibh an taigh'? Cait a bheil iad a' dol?

Thèid sinne a dh'fhaighinn a-mach...


Everyone on board for a night journey! At the beginning of the night in his bed Thomas thinks he sees a monster or ghost in his room. But he is wrong.

It's pirates! (odd, unusual ones). What do they want with the front of the house? Where are they going?

We will go and find out...

Product CodeSDNh-O

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