Teàrlag agus na Crùbagan

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Teàrlag agus na Crùbagan

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Product Information

Teàrlag agus na Crùbagan - Marie C. NicAmhlaigh / Robin Bans

Cò againn aig nach eil cuimhne air lathaichean tethe samhraidh ar n-òige, a' cluich air an tràigh bho mhoch gu dubh. A' plumadaich anns na lòin agus a' ruith am measg nan creagan. Tha an sgeulachd seo a' dùsgadh fhaireachdainnean mar sin, agus, dha-rìribh, bha na samraidhean tòrr mòr na bu teotha. Leugh mu dheidhinn turas Teàrlaig dhan tràigh agus spòrs aice ag iasgach chrùbagan.


Who doesn't remember on hot summer days as children, playing on the beach from early in the morning to late at night. Jumping in the puddles and running amongst the rocks. This story wakes up feelings like that, and, most certainly, the summers were much hotter. Read about Charlotte's journey to the beach and the fun she had fishing for crabs.

Product CodeTanC

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