Thuirt an Gruffalo mòr, fluth air a shròin,
Nach bu chòir dha gruffalo, beag no mòr,
A dhol a-steach gu bràth a choille nan cnò.
Ach aon oidhche fhiadhaich cha tug tè bheag a' Ghruffalo feart air a h-athair agus a-mach leatha dhan t-sneachd. Tha fios nach eil a leithid de bheathach ann ris an Luch Mhòr Ghrànda... no a bheil...?
"The Gruffalo said that no gruffalo should
Ever set foot in the deep dark wood."
But one wild and windy night the Gruffalo’s Child ignores her father’s warning and tiptoes out into the snow. After all, the Big Bad Mouse doesn’t really exist... does he?