A' Chreathall, An Crann 'S An Crùn (The Cradle, The Cross and The Crown) le Catriona NicDhòmhaill
Seo cruinneachadh de dhàin spioradail a sgrìobh Catriona NicDhòmhnaill thar iomadach bliadhna, còmhla ri cuid de na fuinn a sgrìobh i. Chaidh eadar-theangachadh a dhèanamh air feadhainn de na dàin.
Tha aithne aig mòran air cuid de na dàin agus feadhainn de na fuinn. Tha i an dòchas gum bi an leabhar seo na bheannachd do dhaoine agus gum brosnaich e iad gus an Tighearna a mholadh.
This is a collection of Gaelic spiritual songs written by Catriona MacDonald over many years, together with some of the tunes she has composed. Many of the songs have been translated into English.
Some of the songs are well-known, as are the tunes. Her desire is that this collection will be a blessing to others and will encourage them to praise the Lord.