Ainmeil an Eachdraidh
Leabhar tarraingeach a' dèiligeadh ri daoine (fir is mnathan) a dh'fhàg làrach air eachdraidh. Tha na h-aistidhean a' buntainn ri eachdraidh dà mhìle bliadhna, ach tha a' chuid as motha dhiubh mu dhaoine a bha beò eadar 1695 agus 1985, is buaidh aca air stàitean, coimhearsnachd, spòrs, litreachas, saidheans is rudan eile.
An attractive book looking at those (male and female) who left their mark in history. The essays relate to the history of the two milennia but the majority is about the people born inbetween 1695 and 1985, and have a bearing on states, community, sports, literature, science and others artefacts.