Am Fuamhaire Spaideil - Julia Donaldson / Axel Scheffler / Tormod Caimbeul
B' fheàrr le Seòras nach b' esan am fuamhaire bu phiullach a bha sa bhaile. Aon latha nuair a chì e bùth ùr a' reic aodach air leth mòr, tha e a' dèanamh an-àirde inntinn fàs spaideil. Tha Seòras a' dol na fuamhaire ùr aon uair 's gu faigh e lèine, taidh agus brògan gleansach ùr. "Ach thoir sùil orms', a charaid, Chan eil sa bhaile seo cho spaideil." Sin an t-òran a tha e a' seinn. Ach, air a shlighe dhachaidh tha e a' coinneachadh ri diofar bheathaichean a tha a' cur feum air cuideachadh... agus air aodach!
Seòras wished he wasn't the shaggiest giant in the town. One day when he sees a new shop selling really big clothes, he makes up his mind to be well-dressed. Seòras will turn into a new giant once he gets his new shirt, tie and new shiny shoes. "But look at me, friend, there is no one in this town so well-dressed." That is the song he sang. But, on his way home he meets different animals in need of help... and clothes!