An Cearcall

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An Cearcall

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Product Information

An Cearcall le Torcuil MacRath

Tha sgeulachdan Torcuil MacRath a' toirt sùil air ais gu làithean agus cleachdaidhean a bh' ann ach tha a-nis air caochladh.

Tha e cuideachd a' toirt iomradh air tachartasan iongantach a thachair na bheatha fhèin agus am beatha cuid eile sa choimhearsnachd nan òige 's nan èirigh suas. Tha aimsir agus seann ghliocas air am fighe a-steach cuideachd ann an oidhirp air deasbad a thogail air cearcall tìme.


Torqull MacRae's stories take a look back at the days and the way people lived but that has now changed.

He also touches on interesting events that happened in his own life and also in the lives of those that were in his community as a youth and while growing up. Weather and wisdom are also woven in in an attempt to dicsuss circle time.

Product CodeANCEAR

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