Colla mo Rùn

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Colla mo Rùn

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Product Information

Colla mo Rùn - Anita Jeram

Tha gaol aig Colla air a mhàthair. 'S e 'Colla mo Rùn' a bhios aice air. 'S e beathaichean beaga gasda a th' anns na caraidean aige cuideachd, Tunnag Bheag agus Luchag Bhìodach. Tha iad gu math dòigheil... ach aon là tha Colla a' dol air chall!


Colla loves his mother. 'Colla my Love' is what she calls him. His friends are also nice little animlas, Tunnag Bheag and Luchag Bhìodach. Tey are very happy... but one day Colla goes missing!

Product CodeCOmoRU

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