Feum air Facail

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Feum air Facail

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Product Information

Feum air Facail - Natalie Russell

Tha leabhrain àlainn ùra aig Tapir agus a charaidean a tha a' feitheamh an lìonadh. Ach cha tig facal tu Tapir a sgrìobhas e san fhear aige fhèin.

Ach tha atharrachadh mòr a' tighinn air cuisean nuair a thòisicheas Tapir ri dèanamh dealbhan.


Tapir has a lovely new book and his friends are waiting on him to fill it. But Tapir doesn't know what to write in his own one.

But there is a big change in things when Tapir starts to make pictures.

Product CodeFaF

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