Iain 'Ain 'ic Iain: From Garenin to The Oregon County

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Iain 'Ain 'ic Iain: From Garenin to The Oregon County

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Product Information

Iain 'Ain 'ic Iain: From Garenin to The Oregon County le Maletta NicPhàil

Rugadh Iain 'Ain 'ic Iain air an t-Sìthean anns Na Geàrrannan sa Chèitea n 1815, ach chuir e seachadh a bheatha far a bheil Stàit Washington an-diugh. Tha cunntas san leabhar seo air beatha iongantach Iain, gach tionndadh a bh' innte a' toirt dealbh air an t-seòrsa dòigh-beatha a bh' aig na gaisgich a chuir aghaidh air saoghal ùr san 19mh linn deug.


Iain 'Ain 'ic Iain was born in Sìthean , Garenin, Isle of Lewis in May 1815, but spent most of his life in the area that is now Washington State, USA. This book looks at Iain's amazing life story, in which each adventure gives an insight into the way of life of the heroes who set off for a new world in the 19th century.

Product CodeIAII:FGTOC

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