Na Speuclairean Dubha

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Na Speuclairean Dubha

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Product Information

Na Speuclairen Dubha le Iain Mac a' Ghobhainn

Dè seòrsa fear a bh' ann? Carson a chuir e às dha fhèin? Tha an 't-ùghdar' anns an sgeulachd annasach seo a' leantainn ceistean den t-seòrsa seo, agus is dòcha a' freagairt cheistean mu dheidhinn fhèin. Cò air a bha na speuclairean dubha co-dhiù?

What kind of man was he? Why did he take his own life? The 'author' in this fascinating story follows a series of questions similar to those, and might answer questions about himself. Who was wearing the black glasses anyway?

Product CodeNASPDU

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