Wild Lewis- A' Mhòinteach Mhòr

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Wild Lewis- A' Mhòinteach Mhòr

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Product Information

Wild Lewis- A' Mhòinteach Mhòr. A photographic journey

Turas-dheilbh iongantach tron eilean as motha air Ghàidhealtachd na h-Alba - dìreach boillsgeadh beag air fiadh-bheatha ion-chomharraichte nach fhaicear ach ann am beagan àitean eile air a' phlanaid. Tha an oisean bead seo an air thauath na h-Eòrpa, na shuidhe ri oir na mara, na mheasgachadh sònraichte de chruinn-eòlas agus bidh-iomadachd a th' air dùsgadh inntinnean bith-eòlaichean agus bàird bho chionn linntean. Tha mìneachadh san dà chànan a' cur ri cruinneachadh miorbhuileach de dheilbh.

A wonderful photographic safari of the largest island in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland- just a sample of the stunning combination of wildlife that can be viewed at few other locations on the planet. This north-western corner of Europe, perched on the edge of the ocean, is a unique mix of geography and biodiversity that has inspired naturalists and poets for centuries. The bilingual text gives an added richness to this visually stunning collection.

Product CodeWILC9

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