
  • Deilbh is Faileasan

    Deilbh is Faileasan

    Deilbh is Faileasan (Images and Reflections) le Dòmhnall MacAmhlaigh Bunaidh Dòmhnall MacAmhlaigh do Chirceabost am Beàrnaraigh Leòdhais, far am bi e gu tric a' tilleadh ged a tha a dahchaigh an Dùn Èideann. Tha e air fear dhen dheadhainn as ainmeile a tha an sàs ann am bàrdachd Ghàidhlig san nòs ùr, agus chithear san leabhar seo cho cudromach agus a tha a dhùthchas agus a dhualchas aig gach ìre, agus tha seo farsaing is a tha an raon a tha e a' toirt leis anns a' bhàrdachd A native of Bernera, Lewis, Donald Macaulay has taught at Trinity College Dublin and Edinburgh, Aberdeen and Glasgow Universities, where he retires as Professor of Celtic in 1996. He us the editor of the acclaimed anthology Nua-Bhàrdachd Ghàidhlig, first published in 1976 and still in print; of an account of land agitation in the Hebrides, Oighreachd agus Gabhaltas (1981); and of a textbook, The Celtic Languages (1994). He isa leading modern poet, and this volume containes uncollected and unpublished work written since his only other collection, Seòbhraich as a' Chlaich, appeared in 1967.



  • Dol Fodha na Grèine

    Dol Fodha na Grèine

    Dol Fodha na Grèine- Buaidh a' Chogaidh Mhòir- Nis gu Baile an Truiseil The Going Down of the Sun- The Great War and a rural Lewis Community Thairis air a' cheud bliadhna mu dheireadh thathar air iomadach leabhar a chur an clò mun Chogadh Mhòr. Chuir Call na h-Iolaire aig a' Bhliadhn' Ùir 1919 clach-mhullaich uabhasach air a h-uile càil. B' e seo cuspair bròin bu chainail a thàinig a-riamh air an eilean. Tha an leabhar seo a' cur urram air na naoi ceud neach bhon sgìre, eadar Sgiogarstaigh agus Baile an Truiseil, a ghabh pàirt anns a' chogadh. Bhathar fortanach, nuair a thòisich Comunn Eachdraidh Nis ann an 1977, gu robh feadhainn de na laoich fhathast còmhla rinn. Tha na còmhraidhean a chaidh a chlàradh leothasan na phàirt chudromach den leabhar. Tha Clàr nan Gaisgeach a' toirt fiosrachadh seachad air na naoi ceud duine-uasal a dh'fhàg ar sgìre airson a dhol an sàs ann an cogadh fad às. 'S e cuimhneachan cùbhraidh agus prìseil a th' againn orra gu lèir. Over the past one hundred years much has been written about the cocktail of circumstances that led to the Great War, the chaos and confusion of its battles, and- closer to home- that cruel conclusion of the Beasts of Holm on New Year's morning 1919 when over 200 island sailors returned home from the Great War perished in the Iolaire disaster. Some 900 men and several women from the coastal villages between Skigersta and Ballantrushal were on active service during the war years. They are all remembered here with honour and some who survived the war gave precious accounts of their experiences to Comunn Eachdraidh Nis back in the 1970s. This book is the story of that generation of our people caught up in a distant war in which mustard gas and machine-guns, zepplins and submarines, torpedoes and tanks, artillery shells and aeroplanes were the instruments of death in a new and terrible age.



  • Eadar Clachan Shannda agus Tobar na Màthar

    Eadar Clachan Shannda agus Tobar na Màthar

    Cunntas glè thlachdmhor air cùrsa beatha Thormoid. Geibh sinn dealbh air duine comasach, dèanadach, aoigheil a rinn feum ann an iomadach àite. An interesting account of Tormod Domhnallach's life. From this book, we get a picture of a competent, resourceful, cheerful man who made the most of everything.



  • Eadar Mi 's a' Bhreug

    Eadar Mi 's a' Bhreug

    Eadar Mi 's a Bhreug le Màiri Nic Gumaraid Rugadh is thogadh Màiri Nic Gumaraid an Airigh Bhruthaich air Sgìre nan Loch an eilean Leòdhais, an Alba. Tha i a-nis a' fuireachd agus ag obair an Glashcu. Nuair a dh'fhàg i Oilthigh Obair-Dheadhain, bho chionn dusan bliadhna air ais, lean i ri a h-ùidh anns a' Ghàidhlig le beith a' dol an sàs ann an obraichean a bha co-cheangailte ris a' chànan is ris a' Ghàidhealtachd. Seo a' chiad leabhar bàrdachd aig Màiri, agus cuideachd a' chiad leabhar bàrdachd a rinneadh mar seo, le Gàidhlig is Gaeilge ri taobh a chèile.   Màiri Montgomery was born and brought up in Arivruach, in Lochs on the Isle of Lewis, in Scotland. She is now living and working in Glasgow. When she left Aberdeen University, about 12 years ago, she followed her passion for Gaelic and went on to work with the language and the Highlands. This is her first book of poems, and also  the first book of poems she's done like this, with Gaelic and Gaeilge combined.



  • Eilean Fraoich

    Eilean Fraoich

    Lewis Gaelic Songs and Melodies



  • Eíst: Sia Dealbh-Chluichean

    Eíst: Sia Dealbh-Chluichean

    Eíst: Sia Dealbh-Cluichean le Donaidh Mac' Ill' eathainn



  • Essential Gaelic Dictionary



  • Fleodragan-cabair


    Fleodragan-cabair (Raft) le Lewis MacKinnon 'S e seinneadair, fear-ciùil agus bàrd a th' ann an Lodaidh MacFhionghain a dh'obraicheas 'na dhreuchd ann a' leasachadh cànan agus cultar nan Gàidheal ann an Albainn Nuaidh, Canada. Ann an 2011, chaidh urram a thoirt dha mar Bhàrd a' Mhòid Nàiseanta Rìoghail, Alba. Chaidh a' chiad leabhar aige, Famhair agus Dàin Ghàidhlig Eile, a fhoillseachadh ann an 2008.   Lewis MacKinnon is a singer, poet, musician, who works in Gaelic language and cultural development in Nova Scotia, Canada. In 2011, he was honoured as Poet Laureate of the Royal National Mòd, Scotland. His first book, Giant and Other Gaelic Poems was published in 2008.



  • Fo Sgàil a' Swastika

    Fo Sgàil a' Swastika

    Fo Sgàil a' Swastika (Under the Shadow of the Swastika) le Dòmhnall Iain MacDhòmhnaill There have been countless books about the war but relatively few by private soldiers - far less one who could take a poet's perspective on the experience. Donald John MacDonald (1919-1986) is now recognised as one of Gaeldom's most important bards. His vivid account of the grim privation of the prisoner of war camps resounds with the spirit, homour and sense of comradeship of men who refused to be cowed by their captors. It is told with all the verve and immediacy of a natural raconteur - but then MacDonald was descended from a line of traditional bards and storytellers.



  • Go Listen to the Crofters

    Go Listen to the Crofters

    Go Listen to the Crofters - The Napier Commision & Crofting a Century Ago le A.D. Cameron In March 1883, Sir William Harcourt, Gladstone's Home Secretary, announced to the House of Commons that he was setting up a Royal Commision "to inquire into the conditions of the crofters amd cottars in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland" and everything concerning them. The powers it was given were equally wide - to call any witness, to see any document and to visit any place it wished in order to acquire the fullest information possible. To carry out this task properly, the Royal Commision would have to go about the Highlands and listen to the crofters. By learning more about the Highland communities, the Government was determined to avoid the riots and faminw which had occured in Ireland. The Commision interviewed hundreds of people, asking 46,750 questions in dozens of locations throughout the Highlands and Islands, from St Kilda to Lerwick, Tobermory to Golspie. Of the 775 people questioned, many spoke only Gaelic, and special translations had to be organised. Yet the result of this staggering undertaking is not a dry, statistical account, bu an evocative treasure chest of information, depicting both the poverty and the joy of crofting life.  Richly illustrated, this is the fullest and widest-ranging account of crofting and crofters ever put together. Full of contemporary pictures and marvellous anecdotes, it is invaluable for everyone who wants too learn more about Scotland's history.


  • Gymnippers Diciadain

    Gymnippers Diciadain

    Gymnippers Diciadain le Martainn Mac an t-Saoir Fear is tè, DJ agus Caroline, a' coinneacadh ri linn a bhith a toirt an cuid chloinne gu Gymnippers an Dun Èideann. Fhad 's a bhios a' chlann ag eacarsaich, fàsaidh iadsan eòlach air a chèile. Is fàsaidh sinne eòlach orrasan - is air iomadach neach eile a tha a' suathadh nam beatha. Tha a' bheatha sin ga nochdadh dhuinn fad mu ochd mìosan air bliadhna shònraichte. Is fhad 's a tha sinn a' leantainn caran is tionndaidhean an sgeòil, cuirear fa ar comhair na bha dha-rìribh a' dol san t-saoghal a-muigh, o thachartais eadar-nàiseanta gu feadhainn bheag nach fiosraicheadh mòran. Tha an colmadh gar toirt gu domhainn a-staigh a shaoghal làitheil pearsachan an leabhair. 'S e saoghal làn cainnt a tha sin. Bha e soilleir o Ath-Aithne gu robh alt iongantach aig an ùghdar seo air còmhradh. Agus abair gu bheil sin an seo, eadar sgaoilteach mhòr dhaoine, an Alba is thall thairis. Còmhraidhean mu cheistean an latha, mu eachdraidh, mu dhualchas, mu theaghlaichean. Is gu h-àraidh còmhraidhean mun deidhinn fhèin aig an dithis a choinnich aig Gymnippers. Saoil dè tha romhpe?



  • Hiort - Far Na Laigh a' Ghrian

    Hiort - Far Na Laigh a' Ghrian

    Hiort - Far Na Laigh a' Ghrian le Calum MacFhearguis Hiort - "eilean beag air iathad le stacaichean cas, gruamach mu chuairt air trì fichead mìle an iar air Uibhist a Tuath". 'S fhada bho ghlac Hiort agus eachdraidh nan Hiortach inntinnean dhaoine, ach seo a' chiad leabhar mun deidhinn nan cànan fhèin. Le tuigse agus co-fhaireachdainn, tha an t-ùghdar air iomadach seòrsa fiosrachaidh a cheangal ri chèile agus cunntas mionaideach a thoirt air an eilean agus air dòigh-beatha nan daoine bho na linntean bu tràithe gu latha an fhàsachaidh ann an 1930. Tha sin air a dhèanamh air dòigh a tha glè thaitneach dhan leughadair, is gach earrainn air a thoirt beò le dealbhan, uirsgeulan, mapaichean, rabhdan, seann sgrìobhaidhean agus còrr air fichead òran laoidh agus pìos ciùil.   St Kilda - "a small island with steep, steep cliffs around it about 60 miles west of North Uist". It had been a while since St Kilda and its history caught the attention of people, but this is the first book on their own language. With understanding and empathy, the writer has managed to tie in so many different pieces of information and has given us a detailed account about the island and the lifestyle of the people from the earliest centuries to the evacuations in 1930. This has been done in a way that attracts the reader, and each section is brought to life with the use of pictures, tales, maps, spiels, old writings and around 20 ballad songs and pieces of music.  

