
  • Iain 'Ain 'ic Iain: From Garenin to The Oregon County

    Iain 'Ain 'ic Iain: From Garenin to The Oregon County

    Iain 'Ain 'ic Iain: From Garenin to The Oregon County le Maletta NicPhàil Rugadh Iain 'Ain 'ic Iain air an t-Sìthean anns Na Geàrrannan sa Chèitea n 1815, ach chuir e seachadh a bheatha far a bheil Stàit Washington an-diugh. Tha cunntas san leabhar seo air beatha iongantach Iain, gach tionndadh a bh' innte a' toirt dealbh air an t-seòrsa dòigh-beatha a bh' aig na gaisgich a chuir aghaidh air saoghal ùr san 19mh linn deug.   Iain 'Ain 'ic Iain was born in Sìthean , Garenin, Isle of Lewis in May 1815, but spent most of his life in the area that is now Washington State, USA. This book looks at Iain's amazing life story, in which each adventure gives an insight into the way of life of the heroes who set off for a new world in the 19th century.



  • In the Boat I Don't Yet Have

    In the Boat I Don't Yet Have

    In the Boat I Don't Yet Have le Aidan McEoin The poems in this collection of Aidan his poetry draw the author's experience of his life in Glasgow and Edinburgh and latterly his time in Lochaber and the Small Isles, where he now lives. Often comical, sometimes despairing, always insightful and dramatic, these poems are written in a deceptively simple and engaging style that leave you wondering what the next poem will bring. Aidan McEoin takes us on a turbulent and thought provoking odyssey through landscapes of the imagination to the dark corners of our souls and from there, back to reality.


  • Là a' Dèanamh Sgèil Do Là

    Là a' Dèanamh Sgèil Do Là

    Là a' Dèanamh Sgèil Do Là le Aonghas Pàdraig Caimbeul Nobhail chumhachdail eile bho Aonghas Pàdraig Caimbeul. Chì sinn teaghlach anns an Eilean Sgiatheanach agus duine sònraichte aig a bheil buaidh mhòr air am beatha, ach 's ann san àm ri teachd a tha seo, agus tha lathaichean doirbhe, dorcha a' tighinn air a' chinne-daonna. A dh'aindeoin sin, mairidh miann air saorsa, agus faodaidh rudan mìorbhaileach tachairt. Tha an sgeulachd a' sgaoileadh fad' is farsaing tro thìm agus air feadh an t-saoghail mhòir. Tha i a' toirt dòchas dhuinn uile.   Another powerful novel from Aonghas Pàdraig Campbell. We get a look at a family on the Isle of Skye and a special man who has a large effect on their lives, but this is in the future, and hard, dark days are approaching mankind. Aside from that, a desire for freedom, and amazing things could happen. The story is spread across time and the big world. It gives us all hope.



  • Laoich nan Òran (Heroes of Song)

    Laoich nan Òran (Heroes of Song)

    Laoich nan Òran (Heroes of Song): A collection of bardachd from North Lochs, Isle of Lewis Nothing defines the soul of a community quite like a comprehensive collection of its bardic output. This has long been a major hallmark of individual Gaelic speaking areas and it is vital that this ethos is captured while it is still possible to do so. Those with the requisite to supply us with a rich diversity of 'close to the heart' themes, have always been few in number. Obviously, not all are born with this gift. However, those who are possessed of it seem to express what all of us would desire to articulate in this way, but cannot. It is also evident that some bards seem to have this mode of expression flowing daily as they cannot help but view the world through verse. Others can only produce it when compelled to do so through deep emotional experience. This collection has it all, including the typical themes of nature, romance, satire and spiritual experience. With over one hundred contributions, many of them previously unpublished, it is the most comprehensive compilation ever to emerge from North Lochs on the Isle of Lewis.


  • Lewis - The Story of an Island

    Lewis - The Story of an Island

    Lewis - The Story of an Island le Christine MacDonald The 'dark brown' Hebridean island of Lewis bears many traces of man's long occupation - from the prehistoric standing stones, brochs and carvings to the modern industries of fishing and tweed. The island has a turbulent history, and one full of stirring tales; it has also produced a wealth of art, music and poetry. This book draws together all the threads of the story of the island and its people. Christine MacDonald, herself born and brought up in Lewis, cares passionately about the island - its past and its future - and this book will both provide the young people of Lewis with an insight into their own roots, and help visitors to discover this fascinating island for themselves.


  • Lord of the Isles

    Lord of the Isles

    This details how Lord Leverhulme dealt with the islands of Lewis and Harris after the first World War, when he devised a plan to 'rescue' the islanders and introduce them to a 'new' prosperity as he saw it.



  • Maraiche nan Cuantan

    Maraiche nan Cuantan

    Cruinneachadh den bhàrdachd aig Flòraidh NicPhàil. A collection of Gaelic Poetry by Flora MacPhail.



  • Mil San Tì?

    Mil San Tì?

    Mil San Tì? le Seonag Monk(2016), 220 pages. The Sìle Armstrong toilichte. Tha i tana, bòidheach, le beatha ghleansach còmhla ris an duine bheartach aice, Seumas. Tha i gu math nas toilichte na a piuthar, Fiona, a tha cho reamhar sluisgeach agus pòsta ris a' phloc ud, Fearghas. Chan eil Fiona a' ceasnachadh co-dhiù a tha i toilichte gus nach eil, i a'gàireachdaich 's a' cumail a-mach às an rathad air beul biorach a peathar-chèile, Nora. Chan eil Nora toilichte. Tha Nora a' ruith taigh-aoigheachd. 'S e sgeul socair air beatha hum drum bhoireannach a th' ann am Mil San Tì, le beagan deoch-làdair, slugadh philichean, neo-dhìlseachd, làmhachas-làidir agus rudeigin car coltach ti murt a' snìomh an sgeòil ri chèile... _____________________________________________________ Aiteal: Sreath de sgrìobhaidean sgoinneil bho sgrìobhaidearan sgaiteach. Sreath ùr bho Acair, le taic bho Chomhairle nan Leabhraichean.



  • Mitchell's


    The story of a Stornoway Family's Garage and Bus Business.



  • Morrison of the Bounty - A Scotsman: Famous but Unknown

    Morrison of the Bounty - A Scotsman: Famous but Unknown

    Morrison of the Bounty - A Scotsman: Famous but Unknown le James Shaw Grant This perspective is written with emphasis on James Morrison, a Scot, who was the boatswain's mate on HMS Bounty at the time of mutiny. The account tries to understand Morrison's personality and his part in the happenings, from being court martialled and found guilty, to his eventual reprieve. Morrison's background has been thoroughly researched by the author, allowing the reader to understand, not just Morrison's own role, but the various tensions among the crew which led to the mutiny. The customs of the Tahitians at the end of the 18th century and the relationship of the crew with the Tahitian women are also part of this fascinating account. A description of the navel and social conditions of the time set the background to understanding the actions of those involved, and illuminate this complex story which still holds mystery and attraction to so many people.



  • Na Speuclairean Dubha

    Na Speuclairean Dubha

    Na Speuclairen Dubha le Iain Mac a' Ghobhainn Dè seòrsa fear a bh' ann? Carson a chuir e às dha fhèin? Tha an 't-ùghdar' anns an sgeulachd annasach seo a' leantainn ceistean den t-seòrsa seo, agus is dòcha a' freagairt cheistean mu dheidhinn fhèin. Cò air a bha na speuclairean dubha co-dhiù? What kind of man was he? Why did he take his own life? The 'author' in this fascinating story follows a series of questions similar to those, and might answer questions about himself. Who was wearing the black glasses anyway?



  • Nas Gile Na Sneachd

    Nas Gile Na Sneachd

    Nas Gile Na Sneachd le Cairistiona Stone / Daibhidh MacLeòid Tha Eilidh a' fàs suas ann an coimhearsnachd far a bheil an creideamh Crìosdail gu math cudromach. 'S e a' bhliadhna 1905 a th' ann. Tha tachartasan - math agus dona - ga gluasad gu smuaintean gu math domhainn. 'S e nighean laghach, chòir a th' innte ach tha e glè dhoirbh dhi maitheanas a thoirt dhan dithis bhalach a bha a' dèanamh buaireadh sa choimhearsnachd agus a ghoirtich i fhèin. Gheibhear dealbh bhlàth de theaghlach Eilidh, den nàbaidhean agus den t-saoghal sa bheil iad beò, trang leis an liuthad obair croite tha ri dhèanamh tro na ràithean, agus taiceil dha chèile. Agus, beag air bheag, tha Eilidh a' tighinn gu tuigse mun chreideamh Chrìosdail agus mar bu chòir maitheanas a thoirt do dhaoine a nì cron.   Eilidh is growing up in a community where Christianity is very important. It is the year 1905. Events - good and bad - move her to deep thoughts. She's a loyal, kind girl but it is difficult for her to give forgiveness to two boys who are troublesome in the community and who hurt her. You will get a warm picture of Eilidh's family, neighbours and the world in which they live in, busy with their crofting through the seasons, and thankful for eachother. And, little by little, Eilidh comes to an understanding about Christianity and should give forgiveness to those who do harm.


